Academic Board

Enrico Al Mureden

Enrico Al Mureden is Full Professor of Civil Law at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna, where he holds several teaching courses, such as Civil and Family Law in the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna; Product Safety, Product Liability and Automotive, held entirely in English, within the Advanced Automotive Engineering Degree course at the Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna (MUNER), based in the Department of Engineering Enzo Ferrari of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Professor Al Mureden is author of numerous publications mainly in the field of Family Law, Civil Liability and Product Liability with special reference to food safety and legal implications of automotive technologies . He was a visiting researcher at the School of Law of Yale University (Connecticut - USA) under the guidance of Professor G. Calabresi.


Maria Annunziata Astone

Maria Annunziata Astone is Full Professor of Private Law at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Messina, where she holds various courses such as Private Law, Consumer Law and European Private Law. She directs and teaches in university masters courses on consumer rights and digital technologies. She was responsible for the legal area of the project "Expert Decision Support System for Justice - SESPIUS" and is a member of research projects, Editorial Boards and Review Boards of scientific journals and of the Academic Council of the Doctorate in Legal Sciences at the University of Messina. Her main research topics are data and personal information law, new technology law, civil liability, family law, consumer law.


Emanuele Bilotti

Emanuele Bilotti is Full Professor of Private Law at the European University of Rome, where he teaches Civil Law and Family and Inheritance Law. Professor Bilotti is Coordinator of the Master Degree in Law at the same university, member of the Management Committee for Italy of the COST Action - “The European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multi-disciplinary approach” (CA 18123) - and member of the Academic Board of the Ph.D. “Persona e benessere tra diritto, etica e psicologia” at the European University of Rome. His main areas of research are Inheritance Law, Family law and Contract law.



Gabriele Della Morte

Gabriele Della Morte, qualified as Full Professor, is currently Associate Professor of International Law at the Law Faculty of the Catholic University of Milan (Italy), where he directs the Law Clinic in International Law and teaches International Criminal Law. He is Principal Investigator of the University research project "Public functions, private control. Interdisciplinary studies on the governance without government of the algorithmic society" and member of the Scientific Committee of the Humane Technology Lab. Professor Della Morte has been Visiting Professor at several foreign university institutions. He is author of numerous articles on international public law, cyber law and international criminal law.




Alberto Maria Gambino

Alberto Maria Gambino is Professor of Private Law and Deputy Rector of the European University of Rome. He is president of the Scienza&Vita association and of the Accademia Italiana del Codice Internet (IAIC) and directs research bodies, national and international projects, journals and publishing series of high scientific profile. He is also a lawyer qualified to practice before the Court of Cassation and owner of the Gambino Law Firm. His main scientific interests are private law, corporate and bankruptcy law, law of arbitration, competition law, intellectual property law, media and communications law, consumer law, e-commerce law.



Ilaria Garaci

Ilaria Garaci is Associate Professor of Private Law at the European University of Rome, member of the Academic Board of the PhD programme entitled 'Persona e benessere fra diritto, etica e psicologia' and substitute member of the Management Committee for Italy of the COST Action “The European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multi-disciplinary approach” (CA 18123). Professor Garaci has developed strong teaching skills at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. She has been a lawyer since 1998. Her research activities cover various fields, such as the law of persons, the law of 'new intangible goods', consumer law, and the rights of minors in the family and digital environment.



Lucilla Gatt

Lucilla Gatt is Full Professor of Private Law at the Department of Law Sciences of the University of Naples “Suor Orsola Benincasa”, where she teaches Civil Law, Law of New Technologies, Family Law and Consumer Law, Luicilla Gatt is holder of the Jean Monnet Chair PROTECH - European Protection Law of Individuals in Relation to New Technologies and Director of Research Centre of European Private Law (ReCEPL). She is also Director of the European Journal of Privacy Law and Technologies and coordinates the Hub 9 of High Observatory of European Politics at the University of Naples “Federico II”. Among her recent fields of research there are the law of new technologies and the rights of vulnerable people, legal design in privacy and consumer law and the impact of new technologies on human affectivity.



Sara Landini

Sara Landini is Full Professor of Law of the Economic Relations at the School of Law of the University of Florence, Sara Landini holds several courses, such as “Travel and Tourism Contracts” within the Master in “Design of sustainable tourism systems”, delivered by the Economy and Management School of the University of Florence, and “Law of Insurances” at the Actuarial School. She is also Principal Investigator of the Jean Monnet Project "Patrimonial Issues in International Inheritance Law" and Co-coordinator of the international research groups AIDA (Association Internationale du Droit des Assurances) and ASTIN (International Actuarial Association) on the topic “Automated cars and insurance”. Among her many research fields there are insurance contracts, civil liability and inheritance law.



Salvatore Orlando

Salvatore Orlando is Full professor of Private Law at the Department of Law and Enterprise Activities of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, where he holds the chair of Institutions of Private Law. Professor Orlando directs the Juridical Observatory of Digital Innovation at the same Department and is also member of International Technology Law Association (ItechLaw), Society for European Contract Law (SECOLA) and Unione dei privatisti italiani (UPI). He is also a Lawyer admitted to practice before the Italian Supreme Court. His main research interests are general theory of Law, contract law, consumer law and law of new technologies. He is author of numerous articles published by Italian and international scientific journals.




Anna Papa

Anna Papa is Full professor of Public Law at the Department of Economic and Law Studies of the University of Naples “Parthenope”, where she teaches Institutions of Public Law and Law of Information and Communication. Professor Papa is affiliated to the Associazione Italiana dei Costituzionalisti and the Accademia del Codice di Internet and is member of the Governing Councils of the Consorzio Interuniversitario Regionale di Bioetica (CIRB). She is also a member of the scientific editorial boards of several legal journals and has a broad scientific production. Among others, her main research topics are profiling in the data society, informational self-determination in the data society and the impact of the use of Big data on democracy.



Andrea Pisani Massamormile

Andrea Pisani Massamormile is Full professor of Commercial Law at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Naples 'L'Orientale', where he teaches Financial Intermediation Law. At the same University he has taught Business and Company Law, Institution of Private Law and Comparative Company Law. He is the author of numerous and various scientific publications on banking and financial law, arbitration law and bankruptcy and company law. He is a lawyer qualified to practice before the Court of Cassation and has been a member of numerous arbitration panels on corporate disputes.


Dianora Poletti

Dianora Poletti is Full Professor of Private Law at the Department of Law of the University of Pisa, where she teaches Private Law, Law of informatics, Information and Technology Law. Professor Poletti is also Director of the Interdepartmental Centre of “Diritto e Tecnologie di Frontiera”, Coordinator of the Ph.D. in Legal Sciences and Director of the Master in “Internet Ecosystem: Governance and Diritti”. She is author of more than one hundred scientific publications and her main research interests are data protection law, law and new technologies, civil liability, contract law, law of obligations, consumer law. 




Francesco Romeo

Francesco Romeo is Full Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Department of Law of the University of Naples “Federico II”, where he teaches Legal Logics and Informatics and Legal Anthropology.  Professor Romeo is also in charge of the teaching of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Law at the Department of Law of University LUISS “Guido Carli” of Rome. He was awarded a European funding for the Project SCAN – Small Claim Analysis Net – and leads or is member of several international research projects and co-founder of the Law Journal “i-lex, scienze giuridiche, scienze cognitive ed intelligenza artificiale”. His main research interests include cognitive sciences, artificial intelligence and interpretation of the law, distributive AI and Private Law, relations between privacy, sovereignty and democracy and equitable algorithmic judgement.


Oreste Pollicino

Oreste Pollicino is full Professor of Constitutional Law at the Bocconi University, where he holds the chair of Public Law, Fundamentals of Information Technology Law, Italian and European Constitutional Law and Internet Law, Professor Pollicino is member of the Executive Board of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Board member of the Digital Library of the Italian Ministry of Culture and member of the European Commission Sounding Board of the Multistakeholder in the Fight against online disinformation. He is also a participant in the Council of Europe Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI) and Italian member of the OECD Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence. Professor Pollicino is also Editor-in- Chief and Member of Editorial Board of several Law journals at International, European and Italian level. His main research areas are European and Comparative Constitutional Law, Media Law, Internet Law, Life Science Law, Law and Cinema.
